8th Conference of the European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes Bryophyte Conservation – Follow up on the 2010 Biodiversity Target
The European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes (ECCB) invites you to participate on the next conference in Budapest, Hungary, 18-21, April 2012. The conference deals with topics related with the conservation of bryophytes in Europe, including issues of Red Lists, Important Bryophyte Areas, Ecology, dispersal and habitats of threatened species, In situ and ex situ [...]
The Week of Botany at the Faculty of Science of the College
The programme The Week of Botany will include lectures, plant exhibiton and open day in the Botanical Garden from 7th May to 11th May. Locality: Faculty Campus, Building D 6th Leányka Street, Eger Contact person: Erika Pénzes-Kónya konya@ektf.hu
Sixth European Botanic Garden Congress, 2012
EUROGARD VI May 28th – June02, 2012.Chios Island, Greece The official site of the congress: http://www.eurogardvi.gr/root.en.aspx This congress is part of a series of European Botanic Gardens Congresses or EuroGards which aim to strengthen the capacity and collaboration among European botanic gardens as well as deepen their role in the society at large. EuroGard is [...]
Open day During Researcher’s Night in the Botanical Garden
On 23th September 2011 The Faculty of Science joined the European Researcher’s Night Programme series. Within this Event a lot of interesting experiments, lectures were presented by the scientists of the Faculty. In the garden visitors could get answers for questions about plants and could take a plant seeing walk around the garden. See [...]
Dr. Ravishankar Rai was the Guest of the Botanical Garden
Dr. Ravishankar Rai, professor of Mysore University, the head of the Department of Microbiology in the University of Mysore visited the Botanical Garden of Károly Eszterházy College. Professor Rai was the the guest professor of the College due to TATE Fellowship. During his visit to Eger Professor Rai had discussion about further collaboration with the [...]